3rd time Ludhiana to host Saras Mela 2023 in Punjab

This year Punjab's district Ludhiana is going to host the Saras Mela for the 3rd time. Earlier it took place in the year 2012 and 2017.

It will be hosted at the PAU (Punjab Agricultural University) from 27th October to 5th November 2023.

Various skilled workers, artisans etc from around 20 different states of the country will be participating in this event.

The people from different states generally bring their hand made products to show and sell. Participants also share their cultural heritage in this event.

Around 2 crore expenditure is expected for its arrangements such as free food, stalls for participants etc.

Central government has funded around 35 lakhs for it and other is expected to be sponsored by industrialists of the city. In exchange of this sponsorship these industrialists will be provided proper space in this eventso that they can advertise their brands.

What is Saras Mela?

Saras Mela is an event which is generally organised by Rural development department of the government. It is an initiative to encourage rural artists by promoting their products.

Full form of Saras

SARAS – It stands for Sale of Articles of Rural Artisans Society